By Light Unseen Media
BLU~Media Blog

July 27, 2024

The Smashwords July 75% off sale is ending soon!

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 1:10 pm

From BLOOD ON THE BAYOU by David Burton

The speedboat glided into view. Three men on board, one driving, one on each side, scanning, all armed. “There,” the driver said and stopped the boat. The two men pointed a .45 and a shotgun right at the boy and the witch. The driver held a different type of rifle. These were no vamp wannabe flunkies off the street. They were hunters and knew what they were about.

“We’re lost,” Teresa said. “How do we get back to Oscar’s?”

The driver, a fit, silver-haired, no-nonsense man, stood and aimed his weapon at Teresa. “Don’t worry, Teresa and Sammy, we’ll take you right back there.”

“Okay, we’ll follow you.”

“No, you ride with us.” One of them reached out with a boat hook and drew the vessels together. “But we were warned about you, ma’am.”

Teresa knew a tranquilizer gun when she saw it. Before he could shoot her she twisted up a few fireballs. That she was getting good at. She flung them quick—one, two, three. They hit the guns, instantly heating them up and showering the men with flame.

Teresa leaped into their boat. She punched the closest man hard in the nose, then punched the driver hard in the nose. The third man got it on the chin before she threw him overboard. Quickly, she handed all the guns to Sammy, except the .45 she tucked in the back of her jeans. Two were better than one. “I’ll be back. Keep that one covered.” She made some quick hand motions, grabbed the two swearing men, said a few words, and the three vanished.


Want to read more—and cheap? Now on sale for 75% off in Smashwords’ Summer Blowout July ebook sale!

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